Upcoming Symposium: Resisting Settler Colonialism
We are thrilled to announce the 2022 Review of Law and Social Change Colloquium – Resisting Settler Colonialism. More information and registration available here.
We are thrilled to announce the 2022 Review of Law and Social Change Colloquium – Resisting Settler Colonialism. More information and registration available here.
The Harbinger is delighted to announce its first batch of articles for Scholarship from the Inside is available here. It features eight unique and powerful pieces by currently or formerly incarcerated authors.
The Review of Law and Social Change Volume 45, Issue 3 is now available to read here. It features: Reparations and the Right to Return, by Deborah Archer A Critique of the Black Commons as Reparations, by Norrinda Hayat Reparations
RLSC is proud to share this statement expressing our commitment to the BDS movement and our solidarity with Palestinians collectively struggling toward liberation. Read more here.
Issue 2 of RLSC’s Volume 45 is now available to read here. This issue features: The Practice and Pedagogy of Carceral Abolition in a Criminal Defense Clinic, by Nicole Smith Futrell Racism and Bigotry as Grounds for Impeachment, by Charlie
MOVEMENTS FOR FREEDOM: SCHOLARSHIP FROM THE INSIDE The Harbinger is seeking articles, essays, stories, poems, drawings, artwork, and other pieces from currently incarcerated people about your experience with the criminal punishment system, and/or work you are doing to challenge it.
It’s official! NYU’s Review of Law and Social Change has published the first issue of its FORTY-FIFTH volume! Congrats to the new Board, and to the four new authors who are featured!