A Sorry List – Abbreviated
For forgetting that numbing the dark also numbs the light…
and thinking it was all gonna be alright.
For the courage that was lacking…
and painful memories not worth unpacking.
— sorry for everything —
For over-complicated lies…
and all the ways I compromise.
For not thanking all the people in my life who deserve it…
and how they’ve had to hold me down all these years I been serving.
— sorry for everything —
For a world that threatens the very idea of human significance…
and believing my actions would never make a difference.
For the dreams I can’t remember…
and being born in December.
— sorry for everything —
For trying to find meaning where it maybe don’t exist…
and listing all my sorrows when I’ve always hated lists.
For most of my tattoos…
and that time in the phone booth.
— sorry for everything —
For not kissing Tanya Estrellla at the eighth-grade dance…
and every time I talked myself outta taking a chance,
For too little too late…
and giving up on fate.
— sorry for everything —
For psychological, emotional, and physical violence…
and a little boy’s fearful silence.
For ever forgetting we were never meant to survive…
or that living a life is more than just being alive.
— sorry for everything —
For harsh words lashed out in unthinking anger…
and taking things for granted, never sensing the danger.
For pretending I don’t need to pretend…
and wishing for the day it will finally end.
— sorry for everything —
For thinking too slow while moving too rapidly…
and having no concern concerning my apathy.
For thinking being cold was cool and brushing you aside…
and going too far too fast, never taking the time.
— sorry for everything —
For every bit of this list and so much more…
and all of the things I’m not sorry for.
For angels with clipped wings…
and never hearing my daughters sing.
— I’m sorry for everything —
Suggested Reading
Rainy Respite
Raindrops thump sporadically around a prison yard