An Interview with Myrna Pérez, Director of the Brennan Center's Voting Rights and Elections Program
We’re playing the long-game here. I really believe in that MLK quote—that the moral arc of the universe bends toward justice.
We’re playing the long-game here. I really believe in that MLK quote—that the moral arc of the universe bends toward justice.
“The reason we cannot get anything done that is constructive in the immigration field is because the American politician has no fear of the non-US citizen. There is no political system for us; only promises, no action.” - Donald Anthonyson
"Too often, even 28 years after the NYU clinic’s founding, parents and their lawyers are painted as people who are not focused on the child’s safety. This could not be further from the truth. Parents are the people who most
Obergefell presents several opportunities for educational advocates to argue that every child has a fundamental right to education under the U.S. Constitution.
While Congress is likely to continue funding HSI agency functions, as they are understood as matters of actual public safety, Congress should defund the arrests, detentions, and deportations of millions of people just for being without status. This call, then,
The author proposes a simple amendment to Rule 413 that makes clear that a “sexual assault” is only an act performed without consent, and provides an appropriate definition of “consent” in a newly-added subsection (e). In addition, the author critiques