Unions and the New Immigration Law
Transcript of panel discussion presenting different views about the impact of the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 on labor unions and their members.
Transcript of panel discussion presenting different views about the impact of the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 on labor unions and their members.
Discusses impact of IRCA on undocumented workers; legislation to restrict immigrant workers is ineffective and misguided.
Analysis of INS v. Cardoza-Fonseca and comparison of refugee law with similar legal systems; Court read the Refugee Act of 1980 to be more flexible.
Transcript of panel discussion about IRCA and role of Immigration and Naturalization Service in enforcing it, focusing on legalization and employer sanctions.
Keynote address from the colloquium discussing the need for immigration reform and steps, both proposed and actual, taken to effect change.
Discusses the shift in immigration deportation proceedings within the span of 80 years and the climate of immigration courts.
Analyses discriminatory practises against immigrants based on race and national origin, with special reference to undocumented immigrants.
Traces refugee policy in the U.S. and Canada, coming to the conclusion that such changes are ultimately not progress for providing refugees a safe haven.
Author disusses her role in ACLU and the assistance she provides to immigrants from countries like Romania, Hungary, Poland and El Salvador.