Outrageous Retaliation as a Removal Defense
The speech interest of noncitizen activists is not only at the core of the First Amendment, it is essential in the face of a democratic process that otherwise excludes them.
The speech interest of noncitizen activists is not only at the core of the First Amendment, it is essential in the face of a democratic process that otherwise excludes them.
BISG data is a promising method when evaluating the VRA liability of jurisdictions for which it is difficult to gather the appropriate data using traditional methods.
It is hard for us to see that algorithms should never drive decisions about how policing is done or who is subject to it because, when it comes to policing, we already see ourselves as data.
The subminimum wage, and its source in deductions, unacceptably targets an already marginalized group of workers and undermines their dignity.
This case study of Defund MPD showed how rising abolitionist movements shifted the landscape of police reform in D.C. and forced a reckoning with the power of police unions.
The Bostock approach avoids the question of whether caste discrimination based on untouchability is a form of national origin or racial discrimination and instead recognizes that the “but-for” causation standard applies under both Section 1981 and Title VII.
Following Hernandez, a constitutional challenge to the domestic worker exemption would likely succeed in establishing collective bargaining rights for the hundreds of thousands of New York workers employed in private homes.
The current practice of requiring monetary payments from unwed fathers, but not from mothers or wed fathers of children in foster care is, in the words of Justice Ginsburg, “stunningly anachronistic.”
Our 18 months of COVID-19 state prison litigation and advocacy have sharpened our strategies, deepened our commitment, and heightened our resolve to grow with the movement, always honoring our role.
Ultimately, lawyers and legislators should reject separation as an acceptable response to pregnant people who use substances and should instead pour efforts into services that will keep families together and help them not simply survive but thrive.
Defenders can try to take down Bordenkircher in juvenile court by relying on adolescent brain development science, which shows how adolescents are at a disadvantage in the plea bargaining process: they struggle with risk-reward calculus, emotionally “hot” contexts, and the
Despite substantial case law developing a right to family integrity, the jurisprudence has fallen short of protecting children from the deportation of their parents.
In sum, given the significant practical and political changes that have developed in the decades following Sandoval, this Article contends that overturning Sandoval as a matter of stare decisis serves as the most feasible alternative to advance educational equity in