The Review: Volume 7Issue 2
Laetrile: Individual Choice for Cancer Patients
Under the standard of Griswold and Roe, the laetrile decision is basic to one's life and is, therefore, protected by the fundamental right of privacy.
Family Economic Integrity under the Social Security System
Critiques social security for systematic discrimination privileging certain types of family economic structures and ignoring benefits for disabled and homemakers.
Discrimination in Access to Public Places: A Survey of State and Federal Public Accommodations Laws
The right of equal access is widely accepted and guaranteed in theory. It now remains to implement that theory in practice and eradicate swiftly and surely all remnants of this form of discrimination.
Abortion: A Public Health and Social Policy Perspective
Much of what passes as concern for the fetus is in truth the punitive reaction of those who perceive abortion as an instrument of left-wing ideology; their anti-abortion stance is simply a smokescreen enabling them to vent their antagonism for
Other Issues in this Volume
Issue 1
- Equal Protection as Applied to Tribal Membership and Enrollment Provisions
- Some Aspects of the Distribution of Grading Appeals In Three Dutch Law Faculties
- Due Process in State Capital Cases: The Right to Counsel for Indigent Defendants beyond the Initial Appeal as of Right
- It's All In the Family: Family Viewing and the First Amendment