Anna Arons

Anna Arons is an Assistant Professor of Law at St. John’s University School of Law. She teaches evidence, criminal law, and courses related to family law. Professor Arons writes about the government’s regulation and policing of families and the intersection of parental rights and identity along dimensions including race, poverty, and gender. Her scholarship has appeared in publications including the Washington University Law Review, the N.Y.U. Review of Law and Social Change, and the Columbia Journal of Race and Law and has been cited in publications including MSNBC, the New York Times, Pro Publica, USA Today, and the Washington Post.

Professor Arons joined the St. John’s faculty from N.Y.U. School of Law, where she was an Acting Assistant Professor of Lawyering and the Impact Project Director of N.Y.U.’s Family Defense Clinic. Before entering academia, Professor Arons was a public defender in the family defense practice of Neighborhood Defender Service of Harlem, representing parents in cases where the government was attempting to remove their children from their care or otherwise impinge on their rights.

She graduated summa cum laude from Barnard College, then received her J.D. from Yale Law School. After law school, she clerked for Judge Andrew L. Carter of the Southern District of New York.
