The Precedential Weight of Slavery
More than 150 years after the Thirteenth Amendment abolished slavery, the law of slavery’s reach continues through precedent that undergirds a significant portion of American law.
More than 150 years after the Thirteenth Amendment abolished slavery, the law of slavery’s reach continues through precedent that undergirds a significant portion of American law.
“This Article is animated by solidarity with Palestinian communities resisting Israeli apartheid and with the interconnected struggles of all communities organizing against oppression.”
"Black gun ownership and activism have long been important dimensions of civil rights activism and of the Second Amendment. If the Second Amendment is to mean what Justice Scalia says it does, it must mean that Black Guns Matter."
“Too often, the Court understands the interests at stake in Fourth Amendment cases as purely adversarial. It fails to consider the government has just as much of an interest in protecting individual liberties as it does in detecting and controlling
"The broader task is to continue the project of interrogating—and disrupting—the carceral logic driving the state’s actions and the public’s reaction to those actions"
“A fully operational HB 7 will enable a purge of race scholarship and race scholars in Florida’s colleges and universities, as a result of the law’s targeting of these scholars and their scholarship.”
Youth violence is a public health phenomenon with structural causes, and our best hope is to solve it structurally.
As we work to reimagine a world that does not rely on a militarized, often brutal approach to solving social and individual problems, we must recognize the ways in which the civil response to violence was built on and is still entangled
Venture liability allows for a holistic examination of the power and incentive dynamics within supply chains.
To the extent that Graham remains the law of the land, the Ninth and Tenth Circuits’ proper—and more capacious—reading of the Supreme Court’s opinion should be adopted by all lower federal courts as well as by the Supreme Court itself.
[The United States] must recognize the global epidemic of domestic violence and enact guidelines and a statutory amendment that will explicitly offer safe harbor to those seeking protection. The current system must be reformed to ensure that the thousands of
“With enough participation, collective actions such as plea strikes and mass arrest campaigns can slow the rate of arrests and convictions to a trickle.”
[T]rans-exclusive sports laws aim to foster adherence to a particular ideological point of view, namely gender essentialism. And they do so by compelling athletes who are trans to engage in an activity whose social meaning both communicates and constitutes a