The Demise of Grassroots Political Activity under the Presidential Election Campaign Fund Act
Discussion of the Presidential Election Campaign Fund Act and its ossifying influence on grassroots campaign financing.
Discussion of the Presidential Election Campaign Fund Act and its ossifying influence on grassroots campaign financing.
Presentation of policy questions and constitutional concerns related to reforming the primary system in presidential elections.
Transcript of a panel discussion on the federal election regulations and electoral processes.
Transcript of a panel discussion on remedies for the defects in the election law scheme.
The origins of atomic secrecy and the law surrounding atomic secrecy in light of civil liberties.
Discussion on Nuclear Power, Rapid Technological Advancement, and Democratic Values.
Panel discussion on David Kairys and Julie Shapiro's article discussing the civil liberties issues of nuclear power developments.
Paper on the rapid technological advancement, growth of multinational corporations, and the consequences of these on democracy given nuclear energy.
Shifting Supreme Court jurisprudence requiring heightened standards for proving intentional discrimination; resulting curtailment in challenges to unfair laws.
Analysis of granting testimonial privilege to professional journalists as opposed to the general public; preserving a robust press.
Proposal of a framework with which to analyze state models on natural resources conservation and waste reduction/recycling programs using Pareto optimality.
Civil commitment issues with the mentally ill and the elderly; right to counsel, policy and due process considerations for involuntary commitment