Resolving Constitutional Issues Under the Federal Election Campaign Act: A Procedural Labyrinth
Analysis of the Federal Election Campaign Act's procedural complexities as they hinder constitutional and statutory challenges, and proposed solutions.
Analysis of the Federal Election Campaign Act's procedural complexities as they hinder constitutional and statutory challenges, and proposed solutions.
Discussion of independent campaign expenditures and political action committee spending with respect to the electoral defeat of Senator Bayh in Indiana.
Comments supportive of money in campaigns and against the regulation of campaign finance.
Description of colloquium on election finance law after the Supreme Court decision Buckley v. Valeo and the 1976 Federal Election Campaign Act amendments.
Paper by a nuclear energy industry insider over his perception of the myths around nuclear energy that exist, including health, safety and proliferation.
Panel Discussion on Harold Relyea's article Information, Secrecy, and Atomic Energy.
Security implications of commercial nuclear power; challenges to civil liberties; implications of the move toward nuclear power as emboldening the police state
Opening remarks for a symposium on the economic and noneconomic costs of nuclear development, in the wake of the Three Mile Island disaster.
Shifting Supreme Court jurisprudence requiring heightened standards for proving intentional discrimination; resulting curtailment in challenges to unfair laws.
Civil commitment issues with the mentally ill and the elderly; right to counsel, policy and due process considerations for involuntary commitment
Socially responsible investment of state-run pension funds; legal issues, effectiveness and financial consequences of restricting South African investment.
Proposal of a framework with which to analyze state models on natural resources conservation and waste reduction/recycling programs using Pareto optimality.