National Political Party Selection of Presidential Nominees: Constitutional and Policy Questions
Presentation of policy questions and constitutional concerns related to reforming the primary system in presidential elections.
Presentation of policy questions and constitutional concerns related to reforming the primary system in presidential elections.
The campaign reforms of the 1970's have done much to improve this nation's campaign financing system. It is essential that we complete the cycle of campaign finance reform begun in the 1970's if our governmental institutions are to move beyond
Comments supportive of money in campaigns and against the regulation of campaign finance.
An overview of models for presidential primaries, proposing a solution that would combine aspects of regional and time-oriented proposals.
Discussion on the panel discussion on State Action and the Constitutional Accountability of Private Utilities.
Audience discussion on Part I of The Civil Liberties Implications of Nuclear Power Development Symposium.
Panel discussion on The Civil Liberties Implications of a Nuclear Emergency.
Fear of nuclear terrorism provides fodder for intelligence and security abuses on civil liberties, particularly those carried out by private actors.
Socially responsible investment of state-run pension funds; legal issues, effectiveness and financial consequences of restricting South African investment.
Analysis of granting testimonial privilege to professional journalists as opposed to the general public; preserving a robust press.
Proposal of a framework with which to analyze state models on natural resources conservation and waste reduction/recycling programs using Pareto optimality.
Civil commitment issues with the mentally ill and the elderly; right to counsel, policy and due process considerations for involuntary commitment