Labor Movement at the Crossroads--Preface, The
Labor movement and changes in supreme court jurisprudence; preface to a colloquium
Labor movement and changes in supreme court jurisprudence; preface to a colloquium
Panel on economic shifts of the 1980s and the response of the labor movement
Discussion of lessons learned from the labor movement, in light of the specific example of the air controller's movement, and talk of future application
Discussion of the inclusion of democratic principles in unionization and organizing in light of recent legislation
Refugee's right to counsel on asylum and exclusion proceedings, in light of current refugee law and proposed amendments to relevant statutes
The critique expressed or implied in much of Kairys's collection is more subtle and puzzling, even when the writers swing from the floor at the legal system.
Current law and especially the Uniform Parentage Act inadequately respond to the growing trend of single women to raise children on their own.
Whether the right to a jury was afforded or whether a crime was a "petty offense" in light of New York City and state court treatments of prostitution cases.
Assessment of Massachussetts worker cooperatve corporation law; exploration of the insertion of democratic ideals directly into the corporate entity.
Proposed mode of analysis for preconstitutional land claims brought by American Indian tribes
Argument for the use of the least restrictive means test, instead of a more deferential reasonableness test, in religious free exercise claims.
The legal system is a forum used by the State to legitimate a particular social order; there are ways in which lawyers may resist and reshape this status quo.