The Education for All Handicapped Children Act: Opening the Schoolhouse Door
The Education for All Handicapped Children Act is a first step toward education for all, but more must be done to train teachers and change social attitudes.
The Education for All Handicapped Children Act is a first step toward education for all, but more must be done to train teachers and change social attitudes.
Reviews of the following books: The Buffalo Creek Disaster, by Gerald M. Stern (1976), The Watches of the Night, by Harry M. Caudill (1976), Disaster by Decree: The Supreme Court Decisions on Race and the Schools, by Lino A. Graglia
While O'Connor recognizes a freedom from involuntary civil confinement, it leaves open the status of the right to treatment doctrine.
Subchapter 4D of the Social Services Amendments of 1974 enabled government to compel states and parents to pay child support, but problems undercut effectiveness.
Review of The Grand Jury: An Institution on Trial, by Marvin E. Frankel and Gary P. Naftalis (1977),
The emphasis on community protections in the Juvenile Justice Reform Act falls short of adequately serving the best interests of juveniles.
The emphasis in Court decisions on popular control in zoning decisions makes a case for changes in referendums to allow the two to complement each other.
Aggressive legal changes and protections are needed to combat violence against women.