Board of Education, Levittown Union Free School District v. NYQUIST: A Return to Federal Equal Protection In School Financing Cases
Analysis of Levittown and equal protection implications on school financing laws.
Analysis of Levittown and equal protection implications on school financing laws.
Book Reviews
Analyzes NRDC v. SEC II, a case addressing the SEC's refusal to promulgate environmental disclosure regulations, based on merits and standard of review
Analysis of the preemption issues involved with states enacting legislation to control liquified natural gas facilities.
Transcript of panel discussion on the regulation of pornography
Federal and state governments can constitutionally puish the purveyors of obscenity.
Book Reviews
Introduction to the Review of Law and Social Change's Colloquium, a tenth anniversary anniversary celebration for the journal
Proposal of an alternative moral theory that enables courts to recognize a drug addiction defense
Examination of a case applying a judicial/quasi-judicial test to assertion of absolute privilege in defamation case; proposal of alternatives
Examination of Third Circuit's reformulation of Younger abstention to permit federal civil rights claims not raised and decided in state court
Discussion of state courts as forum for constitutional litigation, particularly with respect to gay rights