Obligations of Privilege
A moral duty and legal obligation should exist for individuals or corporations who have reached a certain level income and economic privilege.
A moral duty and legal obligation should exist for individuals or corporations who have reached a certain level income and economic privilege.
The effect and social costs of deportation on families of lawful permanent residents with criminal convictions.
"Personal laws" in Asia are discriminatory against minority group interests, and particularly exacerbate inequalities experienced by women.
This article provides a close reading of two Supreme Court cases that continue to shape and ground the nature of sovereign relations between the United States and Native American peoples
Youth of color are disproportionately detained by the juvenile justice system, and an equal protection challenge to this reality would be an effective way to address this institutional discrimination.
The administrative hearing process is a fundamentally unfair system to low-income communities who receive public assistance benefits.
Victims of domestic violence should be able to participate in how domestic violence litigation is resolved in order to promote effective interventionist strategies to reduce victim re-abuse and lethality.
Pregnant women should be free to choose their method of childbirth, and should not be forced to choose a particular method of delivering their child.
Termination of parental rights for prenatal drug use violates women's Fourteenth Amendment procedural and substantive due process rights.
Pregnant women should be free to choose their method of childbirth, and should not be forced to choose a particular method of delivering their child.
Prosecuting women who carry pregnancies to term despite their drug addictions fails to further the states' goal of protecting fetal health, violates the Equal Protection rights of pregnant women, and is bad public policy.
Analyzing the civil rights movement and Dr. King's teachings offer insight into how to understand the contemporary strugglre for the rights of immigrants.
Hypothesis of what Dr. King would think of Parents Involved and its impact on sustaining racial diversity in public education.
Study of the FBI's Surveillance of Dr. King and Theory of Performativity.
Examination of Dr. King's radical and revolutionary teachings, and society's distillation of Dr. King's legacy into a more palatable and idealized persona for mainstream America.