The Harbinger: Volume 49 | Scholarship from the Inside

“To deny a man his home and family is to deny him his livelihood. Only a baseborn tyrant with a heart steeped in hate could employ these tactics day after day and still somehow find enough self-respect to sleep restfully.

“Now is the time for non-black individuals–who say they aren’t racist, who say they didn’t know–to come out of the shadows, open their mouths, and take the initiative to learn, know, and be a part of the change that’s too

“Being housed on CM indefinitely based solely on false reports, records, and documents of fascist, racist, and sadist overseers and staff, backed by a fascist, sadist, racist Department of Cruelty that grants them guaranteed unlimited impunity.”

“Momma, do you forgive me for the thing’s that I’ve done? Momma, please forgive me and let it be known I’m your son The thing’s I used to do, is the reason’s why you stressed But with you I changed my life, everyday

Blending reality and imagination, Ahmed writes a short story about running into an old friend and hero of his—himself. Ahmed explores his hopes and dreams as an immigrant, his transformation into a writer while incarcerated, and his fierce confrontation with

This stuff is never easy to talk about. However, if we manage to save just one life, then relieving any discomfort will most certainly be worth it.