Detaining Due Process: The Need for Procedural Reform in "Joseph" Hearings after Demore v. Kim
The impact of Demore v. Kim on immigration decisions, deportations, and procedural reform in Joseph hearings
The impact of Demore v. Kim on immigration decisions, deportations, and procedural reform in Joseph hearings
The amorphous nature of the law-and-literature discipline contributes to its value, as demonstrated by the novel Native Son by Richard Wright.
A comprehensive analysis of police response to public protests requires the courts consider the interplay between the 1st and 4th amendment rights.
The changing role of race in police suspect descriptions especially post 9-11, and legal challenges to its use on 4th and 14th amendment grounds.
Advocates should use existing medical protocols and legal doctrines to assist transgender adolescents in accessing necessary sex reassignment treatment.
Disparities in the asthma epidemic fall along racial and socio-economic lines, and legal advocacy can play a crucial role in combatting the issue.
Legal narratives, like the literary works of Derrick Bell on race, function as parables in providing new knowledge and insights, contributing to legal debates.
Compares efficacy of affirmative action and comparable worth as different strategies in advancing women's employment rights.
Legal pluralism is good for professional moral health and pluralism of professional perspective allows us to put aside quesitons about the unified nature of the legal order and focus on projects of identity, power and ethics.
The nature of legal education creates a paradox for leftist professors, who are forced to either use existing legal tools to change the system from within (activism) or move outside the existing legal system altogether (revolution).
A meditation on the transference of trauma within the legal system.
When teaching international economic law it is essential to address "common sense" notions and how they inform students' ideas and approaches.
Argues the need for enforceable laws requiring commercial pornography providers to restrict children's access to pornography on the internet.
The metaphor of "moral pollution" was used by the Supreme Court to refashion obscenity regulations as public interest regulations.
A critical appreciation of Harry Clor's scholarship defending morals legislation and the censorship of pornography.
Contrary to the argument advanced by James Weinstein, the suppression of pornography infringes on values that lie at the heart of free speech.