Possessing Pollution
The metaphor of "moral pollution" was used by the Supreme Court to refashion obscenity regulations as public interest regulations.
The metaphor of "moral pollution" was used by the Supreme Court to refashion obscenity regulations as public interest regulations.
Overview of the origins of modern obscenity laws.
Argues the need for enforceable laws requiring commercial pornography providers to restrict children's access to pornography on the internet.
Responding to Koppelman's critique, Weinstein argues he failed to address whether obscenity doctrine is aligned with larger free speech jurisprudence.
Contrary to the argument advanced by James Weinstein, the suppression of pornography infringes on values that lie at the heart of free speech.
A critical appreciation of Harry Clor's scholarship defending morals legislation and the censorship of pornography.
Examines the impact of Ashcroft v. Free Speech Coalition on child pornography laws and reviews empirical research on pornography and its effects.
Evaluation of arguments addressing whether obscenity doctrine permitting censorship of hardcore pornography violates modern free speech jurisprudence.
Pornography has become central to our culture, in large part due to technological innovation, requiring us to reassess our approach to its legal regulation.