Effects of Cult Membership and Activities
Panel discussion on legal issues surrounding cults and the practice of new religions
Panel discussion on legal issues surrounding cults and the practice of new religions
Introduction to colloquium by Dean Norman Redlich
Definition and examination of the "cult phenomenon" as a predicate to whether or not they should be subject to regulation
Examination of what "alternative religion" means, discussion of protections for alternative religions sourced in Establishment and Free Exercise Clauses
Surveys and argues for reformation of the laws that remove black people from their land and shift ownerships from blacks to whites
Analyses readings of protections for people with disabilities, and argues for broad interpretations after the case of Southeasrn Community College v. Davis
Arguing that aliens have jurisdiction to bring torture claims under the Alien Tort Claims Act in federal court focusing upon the case of Filartiga v. Pena-lral
Examines the equal protection case for children born outside of marriage in the case Califano v. Boles
Analyses affirmative remedies imposed on municipalities to provide relief to plaintiffs in exclusionary zoning, by looking at 8th Cir. case: Black Jack III
Arguing that the sexually charged workplaces and requirements to wear provocative clothing violates Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964
Examining whether denying unemployment benefits when termination of employment was for religious reasons violates free exercise of religion
Arguing that in the labor-management context, whether something is arbitratable under an arbitration clause is a question for the arbitrator